
Confronting the NRDC

The NRDC does many things well in advocating for American's wellbeing but not when it comes to energy. It's time to re-examine its stance on nuclear energy. See our rebuttal…
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Superheroes Using Nuclear Power

Though it might not always be explicitly stated, many fictional heroes either use or have powers that metaphorically or directly connect to nuclear energy. We have identified some of these…
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Remembering Thomas Neff

At a time when the world was still grappling with the aftermath of the Cold War, with nuclear weapons remaining a very real and present danger, Thomas Neff saw an…
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Two down, 198 to go

Biden Embraces Nuclear Power to Save the Climate; It’s Time for State Democrats To Get On Board Recently, the Biden Administration celebrated the completion of the Vogtle nuclear power plant…
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Is The Future Generation IV?

Since the first nuclear reactor was invented in 1942 by Enrico Fermi, reactor technology has progressed greatly over the years, becoming more advanced and well suited to face the problems modern society…
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Interview with Mathjis Becker: Atom Exit

Our partner Anna Michel from SpaceShip One joins us on an exclusive interview with Mathjis Becker on his documentary “Atom Exit”. [Anna:] Mathjis, when did you realize you wanted to…
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